The General Manager of Bai-Tushum Bank presented a report at the First National Forum of Women

Today the First National Forum of Women of Kyrgyzstan has started in Bishkek city, with participation of more than 1,000 participants from all over the republic and other countries.
The Forum is organized by the Initiative of Roza Otunbaeva’s Fund in favor of the 90th anniversary of the Feminist Movement of Kyrgyzstan.
The purpose of the forum is establishment of a platform for dialogue and cooperation of the national female movement, unification of women and men for the purpose of extending of rights and opportunities for women and girls, sustainable development and democratic management, that will give the stimulus for the further development of all the country and citizens of our Republic in future decade.
Within the frameworks of the conference “Women and Entrepreneurship”, a General Manager of the Bai-Tushum Bank, Gulnara Shamshieva delivered a report on the theme: “Micro financing in Kyrgyzstan: myths and reality”.
Gulnara Shamshieva in her presentation told in brief about the story and peculiarities of the micro financing development, about achievements, opportunities and problems of the sector, about the importance and necessity of financial literacy growth in population. Besides, she gave important recommendations for development of the micro financing organizations activity regulation.
As it reported in the Initiative of Roza Otunbaeva’s Fund, the event is devoted to the three significant dates. In 2015 the world is celebrating the 20th anniversary of accepting of the Beijing platform for actions for improvement of women and girls’ status, the 15th anniversary of the resolution of the United Nations Security Council for recognition of the importance of women in peace support, peace-keeping and post-conflict rehabilitation and the 90th anniversary of the female movement in Kyrgyzstan.
The forum unites the governmental and non-governmental organizations, representatives of business, politics, and trade unions, organizations of employers, scientists and journalists.