Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum & Partners” held an Open day for students

On 16 November the Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum & Partners” opened its doors for the students of Economics and Management faculty of International Ataturk – Ala-Too University. Following the principles of responsible lending, full and in-depth information provision to consumers about conditions of banking products and services is one of the objectives of the Bank.
“Open day is one of Bank’s activities, as a part of campaign to raise financial literacy of the general public. Besides this day we provide the students with a unique opportunity to gain a familiarity with our Bank from inside and learn what prospects it provides as an employer” – noted General Manager of the Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum & Partners”, Gulnara Shamshieva.
A highly topical programme of the Open day was organized on interactive communication of students and Bank’s employees. The future financiers were shown a presentation film about Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum & Partners”, from which they learnt about the Bank’s history.
“Open Day allowed us to get first-hand up-to-date information about the Bank, its corporate culture, lending and marketing,” – said the student of Ataturk – Ala-Too University Ayana Dalbaeva. – It is important for us not only as for consumers but also as for potential employees. “
The guests of “Open day” were most interested in lending conditions in cash, possibility of advance debt repayment, advantages of credit cards and conditions of deposits.
The bank’s management plans to carry out such activities on a regular basis.