Karakol branch was one of the main initiators and organizers of a major sports event in Karakol dedicated to the Constitution day


Karakol also celebrated the Constitution Day with a major sports event. On May 5, there was a race for 3 kilometers and a large 7 kilometers cycling race. The organizers were the City administration and local branches of banks, and one of the most active initiators was our branch in Karakol.
All our colleagues from the Karakol branch of Bai-Tushum came to participate in the event. The race gathered 150 participants, the cycling race – 175 people. the Mayor of Karakol Daniyar Arpachiev, the director of the Issyk-Kul regional department of the National Bank Mars Aliyev, the heads of commercial banks and FIs also took part in the event.

“Our employees purse an active lifestyle and are happy to participate in such events. I would like to mention the oldest participant of the race, our colleague Bekbosun Djumanaliev, who is already 60 years old. He started at a distance of 3 kilometers with the youth and reached the finish line. For many employees of our bank it was a family holiday. They came along with the children who also gladly joined the race and the cycling race, “Nurbek Saparbayev, the manager of our Karakol branch, shares his impressions.

The winner of the race was awarded a brand new bicycle. Participants who placed high – commemorative prizes and gifts, including collectible coins and bills. One more bicycle and other pleasant surprises were raffled among the sideliners.