Bai-Tushum Bank is an active participant and organizer of the 5th world Global Money Week – 2016 campaign

Bai-Tushum became an active participant and organizer of the fifth Global Money Week, which is to take place in Kyrgyzstan from March 14 to 20, 2016.
This year, the campaign is organized by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bai-Tushum Bank, Development Policy Institute, the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, Educational Initiatives Support Fund, Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other financial institutions. The international Global Money Week – 2016 campaign will offer various activities, trainings and contests, aimed at inspiring children and youth to get knowledge about money, savings, possibilities to start business, employment, as well as at drawing public attention to the necessity of being financially literate in order to make informed decisions in the future.
The international Global Money Week – 2016 campaign has been held in Kyrgyzstan for three years, and in the past year the campaign engaged more than 180 countries. In the course of this campaign Bai-Tushum Bank is planning to hold Savings Days at Bank’s offices across the republic. Each of Bank’s visitors will get advice in the following fields: financial planning, maintaining family budget, savings, as well as will receive a pleasant present. For our little guests, from March 9 to 18 the Bank will hold a children drawing contest called Savings for My Dream. Moreover, Bank’s officers will deliver a number of trainings in schools devoted to savings for the achievement of financial objectives for senior schoolers.
In addition, Bai-Tushum Bank sponsors the national video contest “Take part. Make wise savings!”, which is held from February 16 to March 16, 2016. The key objective of the contest is to draw the attention of teenagers and youth to the enhancement of financial literacy, to the importance of smart money management, setting objectives and developing realistic financial plans.
Video contest conditions:
Eligible for participation in video contest “Take part. Make wise saving!» are both individual authors at the age of 12 to 18, and teams (groups) of authors. In this contest there will be 4 winners in 4 nominations.
Participants are requested to send a link to the video uploaded to video hosting to the Organizers not later than March 3, 2016 to the following email addresses:,
Please do not forget to specify brief information about the author/authors (full name, age, gender, educational institution, grade/group, contact phone number and e-mail), as well as other links (, social media).
Independent judging panel is established for making decision about contest results.
Criteria for video evaluation:
1. Consistency of video with contest objective
2. Singularity of idea
3. Information richness
4. Consistency of sound with footage
5. Positive spirit
The independent judging panel will select a winner in the following nominations:
1. Persuasiveness and impact (audience believes that the events are real and agrees that they need to enhance there financial literacy, make savings)
2. New knowledge (through the video audience becomes aware that they have financial problems, that they need to make savings)
3. Creativity and singularity, humor and unusual director’s ideas (audience sees their financial problems from unusual point of view, audience wants to share the video in their community)
4. Special audience award (is awarded to the video with the highest number of views in Internet). * In this nomination it is necessary to get the largest number of views and likes in social media and on
Technical characteristics of videos:
- Codec – mpeg 4, vertical resolution at least 720р
- Duration– up to 3 minutes
- The following will not be accepted for the Contest:
– copies of some other person’s works;
– low quality works,
– works inconsistent in terms of author’s age or not containing full information about the author;
– works containing violence.
The Contest submissions inconsistent with the requirements will not be accepted and will be dismissed based on technical grounds.
All rights remain with the authors of the videos. The organizers reserve the right to publish the works submitted for the Contest in mass media and other printed materials, to use for publication and advertisement of such project exhibition. By submitting works to the Contest, authors confirm that they agree with Contest conditions.
- The winners and certain participants of the Contest will be awarded by prizes and recognition gifts from organizers.
- Contest results will be approved by the members of the judging panel. Information about Contest results will be placed on the official web-site of the organizers
- The time and venue of award ceremony will be announced additionally.
- For all questions, please contact:
108 Umetalieva str., Bishkek, Development Policy Institute office. - For inquiries, please call: 0 (312) 976 530 (31,32,33,34)
- The deadline for contest submissions – March 3, 2016, 17:00