Bai Tushum Bank is a member of deposit insurance system of the Kyrgyz Republic

On 25 December 2012 Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners” is included in the list of participant-banks of the deposit insurance system of the Kyrgyz Republic №23/12 on the basis of the order №17 of the deposit protection Agency of the KR.
Thus deposits of the Microfinance bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners” are insured in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On protection of the bank deposits ”. In accordance with this Law, the amount of compensation to depositors is fixed in the amount of 200 thousand som.
The system of the bank deposit protection in the Kyrgyz Republic is developed to ensure the protection of rights and lawful interests of depositors of Kyrgyz banks, and enhance the reliability to banking system and stimulate savings attraction to banking system.
Reference information:
Bai Tushum was originally established in 2000 by ACDI/VOCA, a US-based international development organization, with the support of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and CARITAS, a Swiss relief agency. Over the past 12 years, the company grew to one of the leading lending institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic, with total assets of $100 million. Today, Microfinance Bank Bai Tushum and Partners is the seventh largest bank in the Kyrgyz Republic serving over 30,000 clients.