Agricultural loans as assistance to people

March is already over, the land is warmed by generous sunshine and it is time to prepare the fields for spring sowing. In the spring season, banks are ready to come to the rescue of farmers, providing easy-term loans for agricultural activities. We talked to one of them, a representative of the commercial “Bai Tushum Bank” – Tokpayev Samat – and asked to comment what seasonal benefits the bank provides to farmers.
“Our bank issues agricultural loans for crop farming, horticulture and animal husbandry. The loan is provided to farmers for any agricultural purposes, including the purchase of agricultural land. But, the bank does not finance activities related to the cultivation of tobacco and goals prohibited by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.”
– Are there advantages of financing loans from your bank, unlike other banks?
“The advantage of the Bai-Tushum Bank,” Samat explained, “is the speed of the loan provision. For example, if the farmer provides a full package of documents, the application will be considered in 3 days at most. In addition, in our bank, a 2.5% discount is provided in order to support rural areas.
The bank pays special attention to projects of farmers engaged in organic farming (without the use of mineral fertilizers), greenhouses, production and processing of dairy products.
As well as projects related to supporting projects of women entrepreneurs who have 3 or more children; single mothers; educators and medical workers (doctors, nurses, teachers, educators, attendants); employees of orphanages, boarding schools, centers for the support and rehabilitation of children with disabilities”.
— what is the loan amount and for what period?
“The loan amount and terms for each farmer is based on his business size and the purpose of lending. At the same time, the minimum loan amount is 10,000 som. – Discount of 2.5% can be obtained by farmers, the amount of the request for a loan of which is up to 250,000 soms. Up to 150,000 som loan can be obtained without property collateral. The loan periods are from 3 months to 3 years for the purpose of increasing working capital and for financing fixed assets – a loan is provided up to 5 years. – explained S. Tokpaev.
More information on Agricultural loans can be found at: