CJSC MFC Bai-Tushum and Partners decided to restructure loans of borrowers affected by the recent fire in the markets in Naryn


After the incident of fire in the markets Bereke and Mukash-Ata CJSC MFC Bai-Tushum and Partners has worked on a careful study of the financial condition of the affected borrowers. During a fire in the markets 18 borrowers of the Company who traded food, vegetables, meat, dairy and other products were affected. Damage was caused to customers amounting to about KGS 1.5 million.

The Company’s management, having carefully studied the situation of each client, decided to use an individual approach to these loans, including: changing the schedule of payments, reducing interest rates on loans to borrowers affected, as well as providing soft loans to rebuild businesses.

On July 5, at 10.50 p.m. there was a fire in the markets Bereke and Mukash-Ata. The fire covered an area of 1 thousand 395 m². a fire burned down the markets completely, partially burned 15 commercial stalls and pharmacies located around