Can a loan significantly improve life of a family? Our many years of experience show that it can.

According to the client of Bai-Tushum bank Nazgul Urkalievna Kazakova, in the village it is difficult to exist on a salary only. Therefore, the entrepreneurial housewife decided to increase the number of livestock. “When we received the first loan funds under the KIVA line, we purchased bulls and cows. Also, we allocated the funds to purchase hay for fattening in winter time, which brought good results,” said Nazgul Urkaliyevna.
For the livestock sale proceeds, the family paid for her daughter’s school and total home renovation.
Bai-Tushum Bank always comes to help at proper time in terms of finances and efficiency of disbursement of funds and pleases with its bonuses. Thanks to bank, I improved our home conditions. In the future I plan to take another loan and expand the farm,” Nazgul Urkaliyevna says.
Bai-Tushum Bank is pleased with the success of Nazgul Urkaliyevna and we are convinced that she will succeed, because dedication and hard work always lead to a result!