“Bai-Tushum and Partners” company conducted a financial education training for trainers titled “Plan the future”, developed by Microfinance Center (MFC)

Within the population financial literacy enhancement program, as well as with a purpose of further introduction of the financial education service for clients, “Bai-Tushum and Partners” organized an in-house training for preparation of financial education trainers “Plan the future” involving international experts from Microfinance Center (MFC). The Company’s employees who completed the training, will use the education package “Plan the future” when providing conducting consultations and group trainings for population.
The program of the financial education enhancement training is focused on the families with low income and combines the aspects of economic education, development of entrepreneurial skills and approaches. Special attention in the program is given to development of skills for income and expense management, stating financial objectives and development of financial plan, methods and empowerment of savings, as well as reasonable borrowing.
“Under conditions of rapid development of microlending in Kyrgyzstan, the introduction of the service for provision of financial education for the people with low incomes is rather timely. It enables the families to control their incomes and expenses, as well as efficiently manage their savings. The program itself, developed by MFC, helps not only to efficiently manage family budget, but also to plan the future, thus reaching the financial objectives, of which they have never thought before. Our Company plans to introduce the services for providing financial education in its day-to-day activities. For us it is important that our clients are financially literate and assess all pros and cons when obtaining loan. We understand, that informed clients become the best consumers of financial services, which is, naturally, the goal of each and every financial institution”— noted Gulnara Shamshieva, the General Manager of CJSC MFC “Bai-Tushum and Partners”.
Sayera Faizullaeva, senior loan officer of Djalal-Abad branch emphasized upon completing the training: “I have received unforgettable impressions from training “Plan the future”. I would like to express gratitude to the management of our Company for the wonderfully selected program, which helped us to familiarize ourselves with the concept and methods of providing financial education, as well as master consultancy skills. The subject is interesting, the methods to present the materials are rather efficient, there are many examples and cases, which certainly will be useful in work. I am confident that introduction of the project into our daily work will help our clients to improve their knowledge of financial products as well as to develop the skills of the sound and grounded choice of financial services. In this connection it is important to emphasize that this program provides for the instruments of persuading the clients on the importance of savings, which surely is to positively influence the level of their financial well-being”.
Financial education training “Plan the future” is developed by Microfinance Centre (MFC) in 2004-2005 within the international project “Financial Education for the Poor”, funded by Citigroup Foundation and implemented under the guidance of Microfinance Opportunities and Freedom from Hunger, as well as based on the internal research. Educational package “Plan the future” is aimed at satisfaction of basic needs in financial education of the people with low income in transitional countries.