Annual interbranch tournament “Bai Tushum” for FOOTBALL 2017 – develop sport and strengthen the corporate spirit!

In order to promote healthy lifestyles among “Bai Tushum” Bank’s employees, as well as strengthen the corporate spirit, Bai Tushum Bank regularly conducts various corporate events.
This time, the hospitable Talas met all participants of the unique interbranch tournament of 2017. The road to Talas was already the commanding unit. 8 teams, and this 140 participants from 7 regions competed for the title of the best football team. The games were so exciting, filled with exceptionally positive emotions and vivid impressions that until the very end of the tournament there was an intrigue who would take the prize-winning 3 places.
So, according to the results of the tournament, the following winners were determined:
1st place – Talas branch
2nd place – Naryn branch
3rd place – Osh branch
To mention the teams of fans:
- Osh branch team – Best team of fans
- Team of the Karakol branch – Most Creative team of fans
- Team Jalal-Abad branch – Most loudest team of fans.
Congratulations to all participants of the tournament!