The Bank Group “Bai-Tushum” participated in the international agro-industrial exhibition “Ayil Agro-2013”

The Bank Group “Bai-Tushum” including the Innovative Fund “Bai-Tushum” and the Bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners” participated in the international agro-industrial exhibition “Ayil Agro-2013” held in Bishkek from May 22 to 24. Organizers of the exhibition were the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and Russian association of agriculture machinery producers “Rosagromash”.
The main goal of the exhibition is to build up dialogue between producers of agricultural machinery and farmers. At the exhibition were presented mainly the following agricultural machinery: tractors of various brands and modifications, seeders, grain and fodder harvesting combines and other agro technology machinery of 25 companies from 7 countries. It should be noted that progressive technologies were presented at the exhibition in the field of plant growing, animal husbandry and seed farming, equipment on food production and processing of agricultural production.
Moreover in seven yurtas were presented production from seven oblasts of Kyrgyzstan, everyone could come and try it.
Likewise, within the exhibition the Bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners” provided consultations to clients on leasing of agricultural machinery and other banking services, clients had opportunity to ask interesting questions to specialists of the Bank and to get firsthand advices.
Reference information:
The AYIL-AGRO international agro-industrial exhibition is the central sector platform for demonstration of the latest technical solutions in agro-industrial complex. AYIL-AGRO is the only exhibition in the Kyrgyz Republic representing a full range of equipment and technologies for agro-industrial complex from leading global manufacturers.
The exhibition is annually held by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the historical center of Bishkek and is the significant event not only for employees of agricultural sector, but also for the country as a whole.
About the Bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners”
«Bait-Tushum and Partners» was founded in 200 by the American international organization of development ACDI/VOCA. In November 13, 2012 “Bai-Tushum and Partners” became the first microfinance organization in the Central Asia obtained full banking license from the National Bank KR. For 12 years activity the organization became the one of the large microfinance institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic with total assets of 100 million US dollars. Today, Microfinance Bank “Bai-Tushum and Partners” entered to six large banks of the Kyrgyz Republic, serving of more 30 thousand clients.