More than 170 small Kyrgyz citizens of preschool age received educational support from the Bank “Bai-Tushum”

Bank “Bai-Tushum”, starting from 2014, annually supports charity project of Public Foundation “Roza Otunbaeva Initiative” entitled as ‘ Kinder Gardens at Jailoos (Mountain pastures)”. This project is aimed to provide educational support to cattleman , who during summer time are living at mountains pastures. This project will provide possibility to children at ages of 5-7 years to attend lessons and to be prepared to school right on pastures.
In frame of this project Bank financed procurement of needed stationeries for 7 Gardens in 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan for total amount of more than 100 000 KGS soms.
“With great pleasure Bank supports educational projects aimed to development of our generation. In frame of annual support of this innovative project our Bank provided to our small citizens different educational tools, namely as educational toys, books, paints, and also various stationeries. This is our small contribution to the successful future of children of our country, “- shared Gulnara Shamshiyeva, General Manager of Bai-Tushum Bank.
We would like to mention that these Children Gardens will work at pastures from middle of July till end of August. In frame of this project more than 170 children living at jailoo, not breaking away from the family, will have possibility 5 days per week for 3 hours attend lessons and get needed knowledge to be prepared for schools.