Today Bai Tushum Bank is awarding the winners of the Children’s National drawing competition “Dream. Save. Fulfill”, which was held within the Global Money Week – 2019

Today Bai Tushum Bank awarded the winners of the Children’s National drawing competition “Dream. Save. Fulfill”, which was held within the 2019 Global Money Week.
The first stage of the competition finished on April 10, 546 drawings were received from all over the country:
- I category 7-10 years old — 126 drawings
- II category 11-14 years old — 338 drawings
- III category 15 17 years old — 82 drawings
According to the conditions of the competition, in the first stage, 50 (fifty) most popular drawings in each age category were determined by online voting. The competition commission consisting of five people identified 3 winners in each age category. In the assessment, the competition commission took into account the following criteria:
- creativity
- singularity of design
- reflection of the topic
- color spectrum
You can find the results of the competition at the following link