Bank’s partner – Mobilnik LLC with O! Mobile operator opened a free access to “Mobile Money” E-Wallet

O! Mobile operator provides a free access to its customers to “Mobilnik” universal payment system. Now the subscribers of O! Operator will be able to use the “Mobilnik Money” E-Wallet for instant payment of goods and services for free. Internet traffic when visiting and using the “Mobilnik Money” is not chargeable.
By paying through E-Wallet, you get:
- Payment for goods and services WITHOUT FEES!
- Opportunity to pay for any services – without leaving your house or in any place, any time!
- Saving, as replenishment of account is FREE! In order to repay a loan or replenish an account, no need to go to Bank!
- Opportunity to immediately transfer money to another E-Wallet (for example, to a family member in another city)!
- Monetary funds of E-Wallets are guaranteed by “Bai Tushum” Bank!
In order to use the popular payment service “Mobilnik” for free, just install the application in your smart phone or go to company’s website When you click on links to other web resources, you will be charged in compliance with the subscriber’s billing plan.