Friends, Hurry, receipt of CVs for the Banker school in Bishkek will end on June 3!

The new class of the Banker School in Bishkek will start on June 17. Enrolment is well under way; therefore, this news can be very important for you. Starting from this class, we accept graduates not only of universities and colleges of economic majors to the Banker School, but also graduates of any other major. Not the specialization that is indicated in your diploma is important, but how much you are focused on self-development and banking career.
? If you feel that working in bank is what you have dreamed of, submit your CV right now to marked “Summer School of the Banker. Bishkek” or “Summer School of Banker. Osh” (if you live in the southern capital).
We will be glad to see you among the participants!
❗P.S. Studying at the Banker School is free, but the enrolment is limited, so do not take too long with submitting your CV.
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