Банк «Бай-Тушум» принял участие на Дне поля

On September 30, Bai-Tushum Bank took part in Field Day organized by KWS, K.O.Standard Agroservice (Lemken, Amazone), Grimme, Bai-Jer LLC companies in partnership with Kaindy-Kant OJSC factory, GIZ and TES-Center. The meeting was primarily dedicated to “Demonstration of advanced sugar beet hybrids, agricultural machinery and primary (fall) tillage agricultural activities”.
To recap, in July 2015 Bai-Tushum Bank and Kaindy-Kant OJSC signed cooperation agreement for the purposes of expanding access to financial resources for small and medium enterprises, engaged in agriculture.
Under such agreement 34 loans have been already disbursed for an amount exceeding KGS 2.5 mln. The project launched targets sugar beet growers in Chui province. This is a real example of value chain development where all the members of agricultural process find themselves in equal conditions, and farmer, who is the very first of its members, gets fair payment for the supplied beet harvest.
More than 150 beet growers, members of the Kyrgyz Government and the relevant public structures, KWS (Germany) seed-production company, GIZ, ТЕS – Center, vendors of agricultural machinery, manufacturers of production means, mass media, financial institutions and other partners participated in the field day.
About the factory:
Currently, Kaindy-Kant OJSC is a sole operating white sugar manufacturer in Kyrgyzstan. Factory’s daily processing capacity constitutes 3,000 tons of sugar beet. Kaindy-Kant OJSC collects sugar beet through eight beet collection points located in Chui province. In 2014 the enterprise processed 20.0 thousand tons of sugar from sugar beet.
About Business and Finance Consulting (BFC) GmbH:
BFC international company was established in 2003. The Company’s head office is located in Zurich, Switzerland. BFC activities are focused on the provision of a wide range of qualified consulting services for financial sector actors. Solutions offered by the Company enable to enhance work efficiency, introduce innovative systems and technology, develop new supply markets. Over the time of its existence, BFC has successfully implemented more than 100 projects in 55 countries worldwide.